Mirvac has recently lodged a series of Development Applications (DAs) for the Harold Park site and these are now under consideration by the City of Sydney Council.   The full set of documents for the DAs is available on the Council website.
Members will be aware that the Society was involved in discussions in 2010 around the future of the site and made submissions to Council.  The Society provided input to the development of a set of design principles which were confirmed by Council for use in the development of DAs for the site.  These are the DAs that are now available for public comment and submissions to Council by the end of September.
The Society has initiated a number of activities to facilitate input from Members to the latest Council process:
  • An initial briefing meeting by Mirvac representatives for the Glebe Society Management Committee members has been scheduled for the week of September 5, 2011
  • Following this Mirvac briefing, a decision will be made on the necessity for further meetings particularly with Members of the Society. Members will be notified if a meeting is being convened
  • The Society will prepare a submission to Council with particular attention to the consistency between the approved design princples (such as building heights) and the plans detailed in the DAs
Meanwhile members are encouraged to come to the exhibition and Community Information Night being organized by Mirvac and being held on Tuesday 13th September 5.00 p.m. till 8.00 p.m. at the Forest Lodge Primary School.  Mirvac have a website for the Harold Park development, but at this stage it has little information.  Mirvac's Project Information Line is (02) 9080-8588.