The Glebe Society Inc
Environment Policy
The Constitution of the Glebe Society includes amongst its objects:
a) to improve the amenity of Glebe by:
vi) making Glebe a cleaner and healthier environment
b) to preserve and enhance the natural and architectural character of Glebe
In keeping with these objects, the Glebe Society (“the Society”) is committed to improving, preserving and enhancing the following aspects of the natural environment:
Environmental sustainability
The Society collaborates with other organisations such as the City of Sydney Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and depletion of non-renewable resources in our community. The Society supports strategies to minimise waste and increase recycling and re-use of resources.
Water quality in our bays.
In collaboration with the Society's Bays and Foreshores subcommittee and various relevant authorities, we support strategies to ensure the water entering Rozelle and Blackwattle Bays is clean, and to remove rubbish which washes onto our shores or is dumped there.
Air quality in our streets and public places.
The Society supports strategies to reduce air pollution, including reducing vehicle emissions and supporting anti-smoking measures.
Parks and open spaces.
The Society supports the maintenance and enhancement of our parks and open spaces for the enjoyment of all residents, including facilities such as picnic tables, seats, bubblers, toilets and children's play areas as well as maintenance of sporting fields and facilities. We support strategies by Council to discourage poisoning of trees and sanctions if this occurs.We support strategies to achieve a harmonious balance between the needs of different users, including dog owners, bike riders and pedestrians. We support the creation of biodiversity corridors through planting of appropriate native species and the enhancement of our streets through the planting of appropriate street trees. 
Pedestrian-friendly environment
The Society supports strategies to encourage residents to walk to local destinations, recognising the benefits for health as well as the environmental benefits of decreasing use of cars. For this end we support strategies to make pedestrian routes clearer and more attractive through simple signage, provision of appropriate seating, bubblers and trees for shade.
Attractive and well-maintained physical environment
The Society supports strategies to maintain and enhance the physical environment generally through the prompt elimination of unsightly graffiti, the removal of litter and rubbish (including abandoned cars and supermarket trolleys) from our streets, reduction in vandalism and the minimisation of visual pollution such as billboards, advertising signs and communication towers.
Community gardens
The Society supports the creation and maintenance of community gardens for their benefit in contributing to local food production, strengthening local communities through collaboration, and providing a healthy outdoor activity suitable for all ages.
Private gardens
The Glebe Society recognises the many benefits of gardens on private land, including contribution to the aesthetic appeal of the neighbourhood, contributing to biodiversity habitat, the role of soft landscaping in preventing water run-off, and the creation of a micro-climate which modifies extremes of temperature and reduces reliance on air-conditioning. The Society supports strategies to encourage the establishment and maintenance of private gardens, including sharing of information, access to suitable plant material and support for garden competitions.
Glebe Society activities
The Glebe Society is committed to supporting these goals in its own activities, ensuring that its social activities have minimal environmental impact through use of reusable or recyclable materials, reducing waste and minimising energy use. The Society encourages discussion and sharing of information to enable its members to implement appropriate environmentally friendly strategies in local residences and businesses.

Writer: Jan Macindoe                                                                                                                                                     

Created: 12 March 2012; Updated 14 November, 2012