The section of Broadway toward Railway Square has become the focus of some of Sydney’s most innovative architecture. The Central Park building facing Broadway has living walls of greenery, but it is also worth exploring the interior, where there is more greenery, very unlike most shopping centres. The park behind is also worth exploring, because it is a corridor leading to the Chippendale Gallery Precinct, the subject of a Society tour last year.

Across Broadway from Central Park is a newly opened UTS building, the Faculty of Engineering and IT, which is covered in angled perforated sheets of aluminium, giving it a dramatically geometric appearance. There are further works under way in Ultimo which I will report on when they are more advanced.

The new UTS building viewed from Abercrombie St. (Image: Andrew Worssam)
The new UTS building viewed from Abercrombie St. (Image: Andrew Worssam)