by Brian Fuller, Heritage Subcommittee Convenor, 1 August 2020.

The City of Sydney has refused the Development Application for the construction of a two-storey contemporary residence to the rear of the Heritage listed Yelvertoft. The new dwelling was to front Alfred St, and would have significantly diminished the curtilage of this heritage cottage.

Yelvertoft, 75 Hereford St Glebe

A copy of the refusal letter can be read via the following link:

The basis of the City’s refusal included:

Ø  The proposal does not enhance the amenity and quality of life for local communities, nor does it reflect the existing or desired future character of the locality

Ø  The proposal does not conserve the existing heritage listed building, nor respond sympathetically to the existing surrounding built form

Ø  The proposed subdivision does not preserve the setting of the heritage item and obstructs remaining views of the item from the public domain, nor respond to the heritage issues of the site

Ø  The proposed tree removal is not considered to achieve excellence and integration of landscape into the design

Ø  The proposal is inconsistent with the desired development for Forest Lodge and does not respond to the adjacent heritage item and the heritage conservation area

Ø  The siting and design of the proposal does not respond to building setbacks on Alfred Rd and the heritage significance of the heritage item

  • The proposal does not provide adequate residential amenity for the future occupants and adjoining properties in terms of visual privacy

The Society did object to the DA, predominantly on heritage grounds, and is therefore pleased with the City’s refusal.

The owner has the right of appeal to the Land and Environment Court within six months of the DA refusal.

Some images of the interior of Yelvertoft. (left) central hall looking to the principal entry and (right) original floorboards (source: Urbis Pty Ltd, 2019. Schedule of Conservation Works 75 Hereford Street Forest Lodge